Monday, July 11, 2011

I'm Moving!

 I have been thinking about moving my blog from Blogger to WordPress for some time now.


Since I am trying to grow this blog into a viable business that will supplement our income and allow me to be home with my kids, this seems like the best way to be able to move forward and take that next step.

I also plan to make the transfer myself (eek!). The site may be down off and on over the weekend as I get everything set up and switched over, so please bear with me during the transition. I know this move will allow me to offer more on my blog moving forward and I am really excited about that! Thank you for all being loyal readers.

You can find the new craft blog site at Laura's Crafty Life.

Also, as a side note, if you follow my blog via Google Friend Connect, please take this time to subscribe another way, as I am pretty sure I cannot take those subscribers with me. If you are not sure, the Google Friend Connect box looks like this:

All of my different sign up options are below and you can also find them in the sidebar:

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