Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring is Here!

Remember when I posted about how much I love bulbs last year? This is why . . .

Just as I am beginning to think spring will never come, these little beauties pop out of the ground. They are so sunny and happy and definitely make me think "Spring"!

And I love that they take so little effort. I am a low maintenance kind of gardener (except for my actual vegetable garden).

Soon, we will be getting blooms from our irises and tulips, also. I can't wait.
The craziest part? Two days ago, we had this weather:

See that arrow? That is where one of the little daffodils was buried! It had already bloomed, so I figured for sure it would be dead after this freak snowstorm we had. But, luckily those little guys survived. And the weather this weekend is supposed to be beautiful and in the high 60s!