Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Photo a Day July: Instagram

I followed along with Fat Mum Slim's photo-a-day challenge via Instagram again this month. I did a little better in June with getting pictures taken, but it is still fun even if you don't get to all of them!

 Basically, the idea is, that she gives you a photo prompt for the day, you take a picture using the prompt and share it via Instagram,  Facebook, Twitter, or all three!

Day 1: self portrait. This is as good as it gets after being outside and in the pool

Day 2: Busy with laundry and cleaning up the house 
Day 3: The best part of my day - these sweet faces 
Day 4: Family fun - mini golf with the kids
Day 5: on the floor - nothing! The house is picked up and the kiddos are in bed
Day 6: Chair. This chair is getting a lot of use in our house (by the 2-year-old,not the cat!) 
Day 7: Our garden
Day 8: lunch - frozen pizza and raspberries
Day 9: Big rain we finally filled up the dog's pool! It has been months.
Day 10: my favorite color - right now it is this really turquoise color
Day 11: letter
Day 12: texture - homemade zucchini bread with zucchini from the garden
Day 13: So nice to have an open door with the cooler weather and rain
Day 14: Lego building is a daily occurrence at our house
Day 15: Finger. My nails are actually growing. I am excited.
Day 16: Sneak peek of a sign I made for my craft room
Day 17: My addiction

Day 18: Plate - on my plate - giant blackberries from our vine
Day 19: animal/insect/pet - our outside "pet" Buddy 
Day 20: Eyes. Can you guess if this is my son or my daughter?
Day 21:
Day 22: Upside down 
Day 23: Mirror. This was in my room when I was little. I redid it in college and will redo it again for my daughter. 
Day 24: 
Day 25:
Day 26: Sunshine.
Day 27: On the road to a summer concert
Day 28: Cup. The only way I can drink water - with a straw!
Day 29: last thing you bought - school supplies! 
Day 30: Calm = reading a good book in a freshly made bed
Day 31: toothbrush

Here were the challenges for July:
I ended up missing three days. I use Instagram on my iPod and don't always have it with me, so sometimes I have to play catch up and post a couple of photos in one day. I am excited to play along again this month. Maybe I will get all 30 pictures!
Do you want to play along this month? Here is the list for Photo a Day August