Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Seasonal Candy Bowl

I got this idea from a friend of mine who had bought one of these, and thought it was just too cute! Super easy to make and so much fun! You could make this in any holiday design, but I was making this one for Halloween to hold my candy corn!

Here are the materials you need:

4" Terra cotta saucer
4" Terra cotta rose pot
Small glass bowl
Small wooden knob
Paint brush
Patterned paper/fabric
Mod podge
Sealer (if not covering completely in mod podge)
Glue gun

First, you paint your pot and saucer in whatever color(s) you want. Allow to dry. You will then use pieces you cut from patterned paper or fabric to place a design on the pot. I used candy corn shapes and some pumpkins. If you are good at free-hand painting, you could paint a design on the sides and/or top. Follow the directions on your mod podge container or similar decoupage medium. This will "glue" your pieces to the painted terra cotta pot.

Allow this to dry. Paint your knob, allow to dry, and attach to the upside down saucer with your glue gun. If you are not going to use a sealer, cover the entire painted surface with mod podge and allow to dry. If you choose to use sealer or varnish, now is the time to do it!

Hot glue the bottom of the glass bowl to the bottom of the painted terra cotta pot. You are ready to fill with candy.

I will post pictures once I have finished my Christmas dish. I am making these for holiday gifts!

P.S. Be sure to check out my new blog: Laura's Crafty Life for more crafty inspiration!