Friday, May 4, 2012

WIW: Wedding

Monday was my seven-year wedding anniversary. It also happened to be Megan's (from Absolute Mommy) seventh wedding anniversary as well. She is doing a linky party for WIW: Weddings. I knew right away I wanted to join in the fun!

As a DIY kind of gal, I handmade most of our wedding decorations myself. Pretty much anything that you could have hired out or purchased was made by me (with a little help from family and friends). Every moment of our entire wedding celebration I had some hand in. This made our wedding affordable, but also so meaningful to me. Some day I will have to share a post or two about all of those projects - they were long before my blogging days!
It truly was one of the happiest days of my life, especially because I married my best friend! I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful husband and happy life.
Now, onto the pictures. 
Dress: David's Bridal
Shoes: Dillard's (clearance for about $10!)
Veil: Handmade by me
I loved my dress. I wanted a white gown, but with my fair skin, I ended up getting one that was ivory and it was perfect!
My earrings and my bracelet belonged to my mom. This was really important to me to include special items that belonged to her. (For those of you who are new to my blog - my mom passed away from breast cancer when I was 8 years old.) My something blue was my garter. 
I didn't know the photographer took this one, but it is one of my favorites! I loved that he captured me coming out the door, not knowing my picture was being taken. I guess you could say this truly captures 'me'.

My tiara I ordered on eBay and the flowers I arranged myself the night before the wedding. My bridesmaids helped me to create all the flowers for the wedding party.
Here I was waiting (a little nervously I might add) to be walked down the aisle. The funny thing was, I was airing myself out. I was so hot and sweaty, I think partly because of nerves. I was incredibly happy, but I am not a huge fan of having all eyes on me.
The happy couple! :)


In this picture, you can see more details of the dress. It was beaded all along the bust and halter. It also had beading all along the bottom.

Cutting the cake - would you believe we got the cake from a grocery store bakery? The flowers on the top I made myself. 
I was nice about feeding the cake . . .
My new husband, not so much! He actually only got me a little bit on the tip of my nose.
Just looking at these pictures makes me happy. It was nice to have a walk down memory lane!